Hey It is my year all right, and my wife just found this info from:
I've always mixed my Aries sign with this and all I can say, They fit. What do you think? :) Have a Happy New Year folks!
2008 Chinese Year of the Rat - 50 Characteristics
Bill Belew December 17, 2007
Know More: All about China 2008, chinese, year of the rat
2008 will be the Chinese Year of the Rat.
Other animals in the 12 year Chinese cycle are - Tiger, Dragon, Horse, Monkey, Dog, Ox, Rabbit, Snake, Sheep, Rooster and this year's Pig.
The Chinese new year begins on February 7th. Until then, new babies are pigs. Their dad's, too, some mom's might say.
How old will you be this year? If your age can be divided by 12 into a round number then you are a Rat.
Too hard? Will you be born, 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, 84, 96 or 108 this year?
You are a rat.
What are the attributes of the Rat?
1. First in the Chinese 12-year cycle
2. protector
3. bringer of material prosperity
4. aggressive
5. associated with wealth, charm and order
6. also associated with death, war, the occult, pestilence and atrocities
Rats are:
7. leaders
8. pioneers
9. conquerors
10. charming
11. passionate
12. charismatic
13. practical
14. hardworking
15. highly ambitious
16. strong-willed
17. keen
18. unapologetic promoters of their own agenda
19. energetic
20. versatile
21. resourceful
22. adaptable
23. appealing as a friend
24. selective when choosing friends
25. have few close friends
26. obstinate
27. controlling
28. strong self-control of emotions
29. can manipulate, control and exploit others
30. master of mind games
31. dangerous
32. calculative
34. quick-tempered
35. quick to exact revenge
36. need to learn to relax
37. obsessed with details
38. intolerant
39. strict
40. demanding order, obedience and perfection
41. fair in dealing with others
42. expect fairness from others
43. have expectations of self and others too high sometimes
44. become idealistic and tolerant with age
45. face identity crisis in life
46. feel guilt
47. must work hard and long for everything
48. greatly tempted by gambling, alcohol and drugs
49. are not good friends with horse
50. get along well with monkeys, dragons and oxen
If you are still looking for a job, try being a spy, a shrink, a psychologist, writing, politics, law, engineering, accounting, detective work or pathology.
And, how many of those traits could likely be said about any person/s?
Yeah, I don't take any stock in the Chinese zodiac or any other zodiac for that matter.
Do you?